Revalidation Principles
Every nurse and midwife will be required to confirm that they:
Continue to remain fit to practise
Have met the requirements for practice and Continuing Professional Development
Have sought and received third party feedback on which to base reflection on their
Have had third party confirmation that they are fit to practise.
Criteria for Revalidation
450 hours of practice over a 3 year period for nurses and midwives (900 if dual registered
At least 35 hours of CPD with evidence of reflection (minimum of 20 hours participatory
learning; interaction with others), online CPD, workshops/conferences, journal reading,
etc) pertaining to scope of practice.
To seek practice-related feedback (students, patients, colleagues, carers etc) and reflect
on the outcome
5 pieces of written reflection
Have appropriate professional indemnity place
Obtained confirmation from a third party (Confirmer) regarding compliance to the
revalidation requirements and to provide the additional layer of assurance about the
registrant’s fitness to practise. (Current system requires self-declaration only).
All of the above criteria must be supported and evidence-based. It is a requirement for all nurses
and midwives to maintain a portfolio of evidence in order to demonstrate their on-going
commitment of fitness to practice.